Do you complete inspections and audits of your franchise locations? Are the inspections done as a matter of routine practice? Do you only complete audits and inspections if a problem is reported? If an inspection yields findings of subpar operating standards, what do you do with the results?
Following brand standards, reporting revenues, and paying royalties
goes to the core of the franchise relationship. Failure to follow the franchisor’s brand standards can irreparably harms the goodwill of the franchisor and the franchise system.
Franchise audits and inspection can be way to ensure brand uniformity, quality, and compliance with operating standards. Read about:
- How Are Compliance Audits are being Conducted
- When Are Compliance Audits Done
- Franchisee Perspective On Compliance Audits
- What Courts Have To Say About Compliance Audits
See our article that appeared in Franchise Law Journal!
Compliance Audits Rule!

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Read the article!